This project aims to devise a strategic design approach to assist Winsor&Newton in bolstering their market share and effectively competing with the ever-growing trend of digital painting styles. By identifying key areas for improvement and innovation, I aim to help position Winsor&Newton as a leading choice for artists seeking traditional artistic mediums while embracing the digital era. The goal is to ensure that Winsor&Newton remains relevant, attractive, and preferred by artists, even in the face of immersive digital painting alternatives.


INCO celebrates the marriage of nostalgia and modernity, breathing artistic life into digital memories. Designed to reignite the tactile charm of watercolors in our digital age, INCO effortlessly converts snapshots into canvas-ready line-drawings, and erasing the need for manual sketching.. It's not just a product; it's an experience. Dive into a world where every photo can be a personal watercolor masterpiece, and where Winsor&Newton revives the timeless allure of brush and pigment in the digital era.

concept build up

user & market research

insight & opportunity

design process

adjustment after test

INCO series products

INCO Light

cellphone accessory
bluetooth connecting
instant printer
original photo / linedrawing
watercolour pigment


everywhere painting
independant camera
instant printer
original photo / linedrawing
reprint & documentary
water brush / color test paper / sponge
paper setting placement


everywhere painting
high quality independant camera
instant high quality printer
original photo / linedrawing
independant system
professional watercolour settings
water brush / color test paper / sponge
paper setting placement

INCO service component

Winsor&Newton Watercolour

Collection Book / Box

INCO Watercolor Paper

Design Process

User Interview

User Testing

Product Series Chart